What is Your Greatest Adventure?


I was having a casual conversation with a friend of mine recently and seemingly out of nowhere she asked me: “What has been your greatest adventure?” And I knew she meant besides the obvious, raising my baby. 

She’s talking about actual adventures. Like the kind that could include jumping out of perfectly safe airplanes, zip lining through trees of a dense forest, or traveling to a third world country. This question stopped me in my tracks, literally and figuratively. I was completely stumped. But really, shouldn’t the answer come pretty easily? How could I not know what my greatest adventure has been?  I eventually asked my husband what MY greatest adventure has been. I mean, come. on. #motherhood #mombrain

I really got to thinking about why I struggled so hard to answer such a simple question. And suddenly, I had a palm-to-forehead moment. The truth is, I couldn’t remember the last time I answered a meaningful question about myself. It’s been exactly two years and seven months since the last time I sat back and reflected on myself, or my life before motherhood. My friend’s question caught me off guard because it didn’t fit within the parameter of questions that moms ask other moms. Or that anybody would ask me these days, for that matter. The usual line up goes something like this:

“How’s Genevieve?” (Great! Getting SO big. Crazy how fast time flies!)

“Want to get the kids together for a playdate?” (Sure! Let’s throw dates out there to each other until we conclude that we don’t have any corresponding availability until the kids are in 5th grade.)

“How’s potty training going?” (Good! Except all those accidents. And the heavy reliance on pull-ups. But yeah, going swell!)

 “Has she pooped today?”Everyone

“Where’s my bean yoo-yoo Mama?” (Two year old speak for “Where’s my green pacifier mama?”)

That’s the meat and potatoes friends. And even when they’re slightly more engaging questions than that, they’re still mostly revolved around my Little. And I genuinely love answering those questions, and of course talking about my daughter. There is no greater topic, in my opinion. Am I right? My shiny little two-year-old trophy. Swoon.  

But that day, I was forced to reflect on my past and take inventory of all the beautiful adventures life has treated me to. And do you guys know what? I’m kind of a rockstar. In my own little world, anyways. I’ve had some really awe-inspiring moments that I can’t wait to tell my kids about someday. I strive to set an example of bravery.

I want my daughter to see my adventurous ways and never be afraid to try something scary. I want to tell her that the hike, no matter how long, is worth the view. The ten-hour flight, regardless of your horrendous fear of flying, is worth it. The embarrassment of trying something new, and falling flat on your face, is a valuable lesson in humility. I want her to know that sometimes, she just has to be insanely brave for one fleeting moment for something amazing to happen. I want a good friend to ask her in 30 years: “What is your greatest adventure?” and for her to be able to look back and realize that she, too, is a total rockstar.

When I was almost six months pregnant I hiked a live volcano in Santorini, Greece. I also jumped out of a boat and into the Mediterranean and swam to a natural hot spring where we took mud baths. We found out on that trip, that we would be welcoming a little girl into our family in a few short months. And so, it was the end of one adventure and the beginning of another. 

So tell me. What is your greatest adventure outside of motherhood? It can be anything. I want to hear it all! Take time and inventory your adventurous past. I can’t wait to hear from you.


  1. I have two that I can’t decide between: 1. Going to Antarctica 2. Biking the French countryside 😁 great post, thanks for sharing!

  2. I grew up overseas, so travel is always so adventurous, but I also didn’t have a choice in most of that, so I don’t feel like I can count it! I would say my greatest adventure is running a full marathon! It was a lot of training and a lot of running and I will probably never do it again but I’m so proud of the fact that I crossed that finish line!

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