Anxiety Busters for the Overwhelmed Mom


I do not like to speak for others, but I think it is almost safe to say that many of us are dealing with an increased amount of anxiety at this point in our lives.


The first half of 2020 has been very eventful, and with so many uncertainties in the future as we near a new school year, it can be very understandable for many mommas to have anxieties and a variety of emotions dealing with work schedules, anticipating what children’s school schedule will look like, and how to juggle a new normal that will include a variety of safety precautions as we battle the pandemic.

Here are just a few things that I am doing right now to combat an increase in anxiety.

Remember, everyone is different, so give yourself grace if you need to manage your anxiety differently from methods a friend or loved one may recommend.

  • Take a deep breath and a break. There have been several days that my anxiety starts to get the best of me. I am trying to do multiple tasks around the house, work on the computer, feeding and entertaining the kiddos, all while my mind is racing thinking about other issues. I have now reached the point where I know I need to stop, sit down for a second, and breathe. I cannot solve everything today, but I can choose to take a breath and ground myself back to the current moment.
  • Speaking of coming back to the present, another anxiety buster is to identify objects near you that you can focus on to bring yourself back to the current time and help make you literally feel more “grounded.” I will start focusing on some of our family photos on the walls, the dining room table and the six chairs around it. This may seem silly to some, but for me, this brings me back to reality and the current moments. It reminds me that some things stay the same and are there, and that is a small comfort for me. This method also helps me realign and reset my focus.
  • If taking a break or a calming technique don’t work for you, maybe it is time to address what is causing you anxiety head-on. There are many ways to do this. If your anxiety revolves around schedules, for example, sit down and start writing out each scenario. You can then create plans for the different “what ifs” and can start brainstorming ideas to overcome barriers you may be facing.
  • Facing anxiety head-on is also a great exercise to do with a significant other, family member, or close friend. Having someone just listen to your concerns in itself may help calm your anxiety and then allow you the ability to better focus on any problems at hand. Having someone listen can also allow other perspectives/advice to be brought to the table. Some may find this option to be easier when speaking to an unbiased party- such as a counselor or other professional.
  • Last but certainly not least, if you are trying a variety of these techniques and nothing seems to work, it may be time to reach out to mental health professionals. There are many ways to combat mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, and an expert can help tailor a plan that is right for you. Gone are the days where there is a stigma attached to mental health and seeking help. It is important to take care of yourself so that you can take care of others.

Friend, I hope these tips can help you or that you can at least begin to see that you are not alone in battling anxiety or other mental health issues.

What are some tips or tricks that you have when facing issues that impact your mental health? Please share them with us!