The Nitty-Gritty of Nesting


We’ve all heard the term ‘nesting’ and for Moms, it may even spark memories of how you prepped or are prepping your house for that sweet baby on the way. While I have definitely experienced the urge to organize all the things, I’m here to say that I think nesting is SO much more than that!

Now just to be honest, I am currently expecting! However, with this being my third full pregnancy I totally have a different view on things this time around. I remember when I was pregnant with our rainbow baby, I wanted ALL the latest and greatest baby things; even those silly gimmick gifts! Once our little man arrived, I was blown away with how little we actually needed for him and how much time I had spent ‘nesting’ things that truly didn’t have that great of an impact. The nursery he didn’t sleep in for 6 months, the clothes that got spit-up stained instantly, and the drawer full of sanitized bottles he refused to ever take. I know those aren’t the same for everyone, but we’ve all certainly experienced the lack of fruits of our labor at some point.

As we are met with a season of change, whatever that may be, it is natural to want to cling to what is familiar and prep for the things that aren’t.

Enter ‘nesting’!

It is beyond easy to allow the hormones to take over and want to take on the Wonder Woman role as you deep clean every nook and cranny of your house, and while that sounds amazing in theory, I’m here to say try and resist! Nesting is most impactful when we keep to the basics.

Focus on yourself
I put this one first for a reason! As Moms and especially while pregnant it can be hard to find the time to give ourselves that extra attention, but it really does make all the difference. Focus on eating healthy and exercising, getting plenty of rest, and even MAKING the time to relax. Whether that means soaking in a bath or reading your favorite book, whatever will help you unwind. In the midst of change, sometimes just slowing down can be incredibly healing. And we all know that once your little one gets here, there is no “slowing down”. Ha!

Prep the essentials
Think about the items that you already use on a daily basis and where you spend your time. Use that as a guideline as to where to ‘nest’ first. Maybe make room in a kitchen cabinet for baby items; bottles, pump accessories, formula, silverware, etc. Create a simple safe space to bring baby home to; whether it is in your room or a nursery. Postpartum prep your bathroom with nursing pads and regular pads. Install the car seat. Have your diaper and wipe stash ready. No one prepared me for that last one… I had NO IDEA how many diapers newborns can go through!

Pack a hospital bag
This is easily an area I’ve seen people go overboard, but I promise you, you don’t need as much as you think you do! Keep it simple.

  • A couple sets of comfy clothes for you and the baby. (Hubby too) Most hospitals are pretty cold so keep that in mind when you’re packing. Slippers and a robe are definitely at the top of my list!
  • A small toiletries bag; remember to stick to things you normally use. With my past two experiences the hospital provided the postpartum care essentials, so that saved me some space
  • Phone and camera along with their chargers
  • Paperwork; ID and insurance info. Bring your birth plan as well if you have one
  • Comfort items; simple extras that will make your experience more comfortable. A pillow from home, music for labor, snacks etc.

Meal prep
This is a lifesaver! Take one week near the end of your pregnancy and double all of your favorite dinners for that week. It’s hardly any extra work since you are already making the meal, then just freeze the other half for use after the baby is here. If you’re feeling up to it, prep for other meals as well by buying a few extra pantry staples that you can keep on hand; soups, snacks, pasta etc. In my opinion, there is no one more hungry than a new Mom coming home from the hospital!

Accept help
From the last few weeks of pregnancy all the way through the newborn stage, simple things get harder. I remember being 38 weeks pregnant and coming home to a clean shower courtesy of my Mother-in-law. I literally cried! I would have never asked her to do that, but when she did, it was such a blessing! When friends or family ask how they can help, let them! Grocery store trips, watching your other children, cleaning your house, setting up a meal train, or even just helping you get out of the house. These are all things you will be SO glad you said ‘yes’ to. It’s built into us to try and take it all on, but Mama… you don’t have to!

[quote]I’ve realized that the urge to ‘nest’ is really just a strong desire to prepare![/quote]

This will certainly look different for each of us, but I think the biggest takeaway is to do what feels right to you while keeping in mind that while life seems busy now, it’s about to get a whole lot busier. So, prep the basics, and then rest Mama! You deserve it!


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Hey there, I'm Rebecca! I am a believer, proud military wife, Mama of 4; 2 in Heaven and 2 here with us. I’m originally from Florida, but we moved to Ohio about three years ago and I honestly LOVE the change. Dayton was quick to feel like home to us, and we've definitely been enjoying the seasons! Being a Mom is the happiest full-time job, but I love making the time to keep up with my personal interests as well. I run a blog and Instagram @theivynest; where I share a bit of our story and everyday life, along with my love of home decor and keeping things simple. Life is definitely busy, but I truly believe that it is equally as beautiful when we choose to see it that way!