If Today Feels Heavy


If today feels heavy, mama, and it likely does, know that you are not alone in that feeling.

It is hard to walk through the unknown. And in the current season of Coronavirus, there is a lot of unknown. Will our kids go back to school this year? For some of you, how will you work from home with littles in tow? If you have anxiety or depression, how will you manage those well? For moms waiting for elective, though still very important, surgeries for your babes, when will those take place?

There are parents who are worried about their own families as they continue working in critical medical positions helping our communities. A lot of military families are wondering when family members are coming home from deployment. People have lost jobs for the time being and are struggling with what that will look like; small businesses are in limbo. Sadly, for some mamas in our world, they are worried about their family members, young and old, who are at higher risk.


If it all feels daunting, that is okay. It is okay to be worried or to wonder if you are overreacting (though, you aren’t.) It is okay to not feel that worried personally but to recognize that things are definitely different than they were before. It is okay to struggle with knowing where you land on the spectrum, super fearful or mildly concerned. It is completely normal to have different reactions than other moms around you. And, it is okay to have to take a break from your social media or the news for a bit. This is unchartered territory for all of us, to be certain.

As you work through whatever this looks like for you and your family, know that you are not alone.

We may feel isolated, and we may physically be isolated, but all of us are dealing with this in some way. Look out for those around you. Stay home when you are told to. If you are headed to the store for necessary items, text another family and ask if they need something. Phone a friend for a check-in. Keep an eye on yourself and your health, too.

If today feels heavy, mama, remember that this season may be new and full of unknowns for all of us, but you have probably walked through some difficult, albeit different, unknowns before. Mamas, this is new. This is scary. This is everyone. I am not trying to downplay the seriousness of this situation. But you are so capable and I hope that even in this heavy season, we choose to raise our babies well and love those around us better. Virtual hugs, friends.