The Cost of Clutter


As I folded a heavy grey throw blanket for the 1,453,876 time, I instantly wanted to donate it. It lays on my bed every day, and every day that I make my bed, I have to fold it. Let’s say that it takes me three minutes to fold a blanket that serves no real purpose other than decorative clutter. Three minutes a day doesn’t sound like a big deal, but when you multiply it by 365 days a year, it’s 18 hours.

EIGHTEEN HOURS of my life spent folding a blanket that I could live without. Are you kidding me?

This concept of hoarding crap has sent my head spinning. Without going all Marie Kondo on my house, I am going to begin by thinking about what I handle DAILY. What takes the most of my time and is it WORTH it? If I am saying yes to folding a blanket, what am I saying no to? Baking cookies with my kids? A glass of wine with my husband? Let’s be real, those 18 hours that I lose to folding a blanket are real. That is actual time of my life that I have lost to managing crap, simple clutter.


Now, don’t get me wrong. I love decorating. I love cute items on shelves and baskets with blankets. But I also like choosing how I spend my time without being a slave to crap. I don’t want to spend my extra time in 2020 picking up, folding, and stowing away more clutter. I am over it. I. AM. OVER. IT. So what does that look like? What do I need to do to climb out from under the mountain of junk that has taken over my house?

First off, make the decision to get rid of anything and everything that takes too much time and that isn’t worth your time. I wish I could throw away all of my laundry, but I am not a nudist and would rather my kids also be clothed. So, instead of trashing everything I am choosing to donate an obscene amount of our clothing. There is no reason that I should have this many sweaters, leggings or boots. Not only is it a cost on my wallet, but also a cost on my time. Picking up these items every week is costing me precious time. That is what really moves me to MOVE the clutter out.

Secondly, I don’t need to hold it to ask myself if it brings me joy. I can tell by looking at that sweater from two years ago that I am not going to wear it again. Donate. Do I need 75 cords for who knows what? No. Do I need 75 drinking glasses? No. Do I need mismatched sippy cups with no lids? No. Does it serve a function in my daily life? No. Unless its sentimental, functional, or can be left alone without much fuss, I am seriously considering donating or chucking it to the curb.

Third, don’t bring more crap home. This one will take me some time. I really enjoy the thrill of the hunt and finding fun goodies. But I need to be sincerely intentional about how I am spending my time and if bringing home more items that will drain me of time with my kids, family, spouse or even myself… I HAVE to ask myself:

“Do you NEED it? Or will it cost you more than the price tag you are paying out of your wallet?”

Dear 2020, I hope that you hold more memory making, more moments treasured and more hugs enjoyed. I hope that you have less moments of folding clothes, putting away clutter and mindless organization. I hope that this year, I can let go of things that matter less, so I can cling to what matters most.