Stop and Smell the Roses


It was easy to pass by the tiny patch of roses without even noticing. The spring blooms, stretching into the sky, coming to life again. They sat quietly next to the sidewalk leading into the gym. Waiting to be seen.

I watched from my treadmill as almost every older person stopped. They looked at the flowers and seemed pensive as they paused. It grabbed my attention. What was it that was making them stop in their tracks?

As I ran, I kept my gaze in that direction. What began to happen was even more intriguing. Every young person who walked by the flowers didn’t notice them. Each and every one of them. I saw one man who purposely walked into the grass – nearly trampling the pretty patch of blossoms.  

This unscientific study left me asking myself one important question – Do I stop and smell the roses enough, or do I walk around them?  

It made me think of the day my 3-year-old insisted I stop what I was doing and offer him some attention. He had meticulously organized a “lunch” for me complete with imaginary cookies. And do you know what I did? I stopped. I walked over to him, and we shared some delicious lunch.  

Don’t get me wrong, life is busy. There’s work and illness and heartache. But in the midst of all of those things, there are oftentimes roses. Yeah, it’s hard to find those roses somedays when there is a massive to-do list or you’re overwhelmed by injustice in the world. But, yet, they are there. It may take the form of an imaginary lunch or an actual patch of beautiful flowers.  

Mamas, are you stopping to smell the roses? Don’t wait until it’s too late and time has been spent walking around them. Be the person who stops.