The 3 Most Important Things In Life


I’m not writing this because I 100% practice what I preach. I will go ahead and admit that I don’t always adhere to the following. When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, the reason I am sharing these things is that they are small revelations I have been graced with during my 30 years of life on earth. They are things I have found are really the only things that matter, when it comes down to the grand scheme of life. So without further ado, here are what I consider to be the 3 most important things in life:

There’s nothing positive about dwelling on past negatives.

I am so, so, so guilty of not always following this. If you know anything about me, you will know I carry a lot of regret. But what I’ve learned from being totally guilty of wallowing in the “what ifs” in life is this: It does absolutely no good at all for the here and now. What we all need to try and do is take the goof up that can’t be changed and apply it as experience for the next time. Use those feelings in a positive way, even if it’s really hard, and change them into fuel to get you where you want to be now. 

Live in the moment.

This is so hard! Especially as moms, we are literally ALWAYS one step ahead in our actions. We have to be or nothing will ever get accomplished, right? I think, for the most part, we all have that mom superpower that grows in our brains right along with the child(ren) in our bellies, of thinking and doing for our families projected into future days, weeks, months and years. That’s freaking amazing, and that’s why moms are beloved creatures adored by all, but we have to try and live in the moment, too.

Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses. There are things happening in our everyday lives that cannot be relieved with immediate gratification, so let those go. Get down on the floor with your kids and build a castle, sit in your house with the windows open and feel the breeze, go outside and take a walk and really drink in your surroundings. I know when I do this, I’m a million times happier, and I can go back refreshed to deal with the future things that need to be done. 

It’s okay for positive and negative to coexist.

This is the big one, so I saved it for last. This is the newest revelation I’ve had, and it’s so good. I’ve always felt extremely guilty for ever having negative feelings when I have so much to be happy about in my life, but guess what? It’s okay to feel crappy and ALSO feel extremely happy and grateful. They DO NOT cancel each other out. Positive and negative feelings can be like dogs and cats that try their best to get along under the same roof even though the cat is always pestering the dog and the dog is always chasing the cat. They can cohabitate together. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. It can be both. Mind blown? Mine was, too, when I came to this realization. 

Let me know your thoughts on these 3 things I consider to be the most important in life. Do you agree, disagree, have two cents to throw in? Let me know and share!

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Dusty Kalback
Hi, I'm Dusty! I'm a southern Ohio girl, living smack dab in between Cincinnati and Dayton. I'm a wife, mom, stepmom and work full time, so my life feels very busy most of the time! My husband and I have been married since November, 2013. We are parents to all girls! We have 3, so needless to say, he is outnumbered in our little family. I've always enjoyed blogging as a hobby, so I am very excited to be a part of this Dayton Moms Blog! I hope everyone enjoys my thoughts and perspectives on motherhood!