Military Marriage Day {A Reason to Celebrate on Aug. 14}


Aug. 14 is Military Marriage Day. If you haven’t heard of it, you aren’t alone. It’s the new kid on the block. You know, like those of us in military families often are. The formal celebration with the goal of strengthening military marriages might be a newer celebration, but for many of us, military marriage is not.

12.5 years together. Over 10 years of him serving. Four major moves. Three preemie daughters, all born in different states. Promotions and awards ceremonies. Multiple family dinners missed and seasons where quality definitely had to mean more than quantity. Working through health care issues. Navigating all that makes a marriage, while far from much support. Learning to trust and rely on our communities quickly, both military and civilian. A marriage that is similar to many of our friends, but with such seemingly different struggles from those who are not military.

And yet, our marriage is good and strong.

military marriage

Our marriage is thriving, with hard work. Our military marriage is unique to us and a reason to celebrate. Your military marriage is unique to you and a reason to celebrate.

So on this day, we celebrate the difficulties and the joys. The ten millionth box packed and unpacked. The traditions and new experiences. Finding friends and meeting up with old ones. The white walls and paint. The hellos and goodbyes. All done together in the context of marriage and this crazy life. I am cheering for our marriage, and I am cheering for you and yours.

To learn more about Military Marriage Day, click here and take a look at this new space and some awesome people championing positive thoughts for military marriages. It isn’t easy, but it is worth it. I am so grateful for the encouragement found here to share and celebrate this life.