5 Tips for Keeping a Happy Home


I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying, “Happy wife, happy life.” Well, this wife fully believes that happiness begins within the home. We can walk in the front door of our homes and instantly be overcome with peace and the freedom to relax, or the exact opposite, and be left feeling discouraged or even overwhelmed. There once was a time where I felt the latter way more often than not, and that weight of discontent just seemed to be getting heavier.

I had ‘KonMari-ed’ ALL the things, read article after article on organization, and even tried to simplify our house one room at a time. That uneasy feeling seemed to hover until I realized that the walls that surround us each and every day hold so much power.


It has taken me a few years, but I think I have finally discovered (and rediscovered) the things that make our home a happy one.

1. It starts with you – I am a big believer in setting the tone. How we approach situations or even our own homes has a huge impact. When we actively choose to leave the stress of the day at the door, then we are protecting not only ourselves, but our family, and the home environment as well. Focus on your own attitude before opening that front door. I’ve seen firsthand how my emotions can trickle through the whole house very quickly and leave us all on edge before we even realize it. When I make the effort to leave outside stressors outside though, most of the time, that is where they will stay. And when I choose to create a happy environment within myself, that always seems to overflow into our home.

2. Clear the clutter – This one will look different for each of us, but for me, clutter is anything that doesn’t have a permanent ‘home’. That box of old baby clothes you’ve been meaning to donate, the stack of magazines that you’ve kept but never read, the toys with missing parts that somehow end up scattered around the entire house; these are all things that should be cleared. Whether you donate things, throw them away, or find an actual spot for them within your home, clearing this clutter is the easiest way to help you feel less overwhelmed in your own space.

3. Let there be light – You want your home to feel fresh, airy, and bright? This one is simple… pull up those blinds, open those curtains, turn on the lights. It is a well-known fact that light, especially sunlight, can improve your mood and mental health as well. This is an easy thing that we should all be doing each and every day. Try it, I guarantee it changes the whole feel of your home!

4. Stick to your favorites – When you surround yourself with things you love, you will love what surrounds you! This works for both style choices and day-to-day activities. Pick paint colors that calm you, stick to decorating styles that you’re most drawn towards, create space for the things you love the most. It could be as simple as displaying your most read books on a shelf or putting your new family photos in a frame, anything that ultimately brings you joy. Choose to make time for the things you love daily. Bake a family recipe, turn on music that makes you want to dance or light your favorite candle. The goal here is to fill your home with the things and activities you enjoy the most.

5. Leave wiggle room – This is by far the hardest one for me. I love structure, setting a schedule, and everything having a place; however, life is all about balance. Leaving wiggle room in our bedtime routine allows time for the nights that my little man wants one more story. Leaving wiggle room in my cleaning standards means I won’t get bent out of shape if the dishes sit for one night while we all watch a movie. Leaving wiggle room in the day means that if the rain suddenly stops and the sun peeks out, we can drop what we’re doing and go play in the backyard. Rules are great (and much needed) but flexibility has to have an equal part, especially with little ones in the house.

I hope that these tips help you transform your home into your safe space and somewhere that your heart longs to be. We all deserve a little happy and what better place to keep that way than the place we spend most of our time!