Treat Yourself Like You Treat Your Friends


I was feeling under the weather to the point that I took a day off work and did my best to rest for a day. I chatted with a couple friends who naturally said, “Let me know if you need anything!” I knew the messages were sincere but of course I didn’t reach out for any assistance. In the same token, I would have felt guilty had I reached out for help, even though it was offered to me.

On the other hand, if any of my friends have shared that they are not feeling well or that their child is sick, I always offer the same support if they need it. And just like I know my friends would help me, I would also provide any assistance I could in a heartbeat if it was requested.

I know I’m not alone in this aspect. But, why do we sometimes choose to not treat ourselves as well as others?


Most mothers are used to putting others before themselves. Our partner, children, family and friends – we would usually bend over backwards to help these people in any circumstance. But when it comes to ourselves asking (or what may seem even more daunting) accepting help, for some reason, that is outlandish in our own minds. 

Trying to not think of yourself as a Supermom can be a tough pill to swallow. But, the only way to be the best version of yourself is by letting others help you in your time of need. 

So what if you started treating yourself like you would treat a friend?

Maybe then you would take up the offers for help when you need it, giving you a small reprieve during a difficult time.

Maybe you could focus on putting yourself first and understand that just because you’re getting help, it doesn’t make you weak.

Maybe you can get the mental and physical break your body needs to actually begin feeling better, rather than try to continue running on empty.

Changing this mindset may seem too taxing for some (I know this is definitely something I personally need to work on). But showing a little vulnerability does not make you incapable of being a good mother or good person – you are setting an example for your kids that by accepting the help of others it means that much more when you can do the same in return.