Holiday Streaking: Staying Fit and Sane


It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right?  The catchy melodies of holiday music float through the air. Smells of sweet treats linger at parties.  Those ugly sweaters are dusted off and ready for action. So why, according to the American Psychological Association, do many Americans feel “fatigue, stress, and irritability,” to mention only a few. How do we combat depression, loneliness, and isolation as the holidays approach, days become shorter, and money tighter?   

One solution involves a bit of streaking. Wait. Not that kind of streaking (it’s way too cold).  Challenge yourself to 20 minutes of exercise per day starting on Thanksgiving and ending on January 1st of the new year. It’s a challenge my friends and I have tackled for the last five years or so, and one that keeps us sane through the hustle and bustle of the holidays.  

You may ask why committing to this crazy idea is worth it. A Psychology Today article reports that exercise stimulates “feel-good hormones which make problems seem more manageable.”  Furthermore, it gives us a break from “damaging self-talk” and encourages us to interact with others. And a Cleveland Clinic study asserts that, “most adults gain some weight over the holidays.”  Maintaining healthy mental and physical health this time of year can be daunting, but it is possible.  

Onboard?  Now let’s talk about the how.   

Chat with your doctor: Make sure you are healthy and physically prepared to tackle this challenge. Once you have the green light, you’re ready to streak!  

Figure out your “why”: What’s motivating you to take the challenge? Discovering the core of this answer will keep you moving. 

Schedule it: Make a date with yourself. Every Sunday take a look at your calendar and decide when you will commit 20 minutes to daily exercise. Write it down, set an alarm. Be specific with your times and communicate your plans with your family.  

Find a buddy: Challenge friends to streak with you and create “exercise play dates.” It is easy to bail on yourself, but more difficult if you have a friend depending on you. Also, involve your family. Children love to follow the lead when parents are being active!  

Try something new:  Use a free trial at an exercise facility (the first visit is often free), search online for videos, visit a different park for a hike. The list is endless and the key is to keep it interesting. 

Just do it:  You’re worth it.  Your physical health is worth it.  Your mental health is worth it.

What are you waiting for?  Let’s go streaking!   


  1. This sounds like a great way to stay accountable. (Which can be tricky for me!) Sounds like a fun challenge I will remember for next year!!

    • I’m with ya, Suzanne! 3rd trimester is on the way, so I don’t foresee a fitness challenge in my near future!

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