The Terrible, Terrific Twos


Ah, the terrible twos.

Full of big, confusing emotions that lead to tears, crying on the floor, and occasionally bonking Mama on the head. Yes, my sweet, precious, baby does that sometimes. I can make a list of reasons why this age is terrible:

  • Kiddo can do some things by himself, but sometimes he does them wrong, or slow, or gets super frustrated and has a meltdown.
  • Kiddo sleeps through the night most of the time, but still has nights where he gets up and needs comforting or has nightmares and wakes up crying.
  • Kiddo has so many words and so many wants, but he can’t always express what he wants or worse, what he wants isn’t possible or feasible and he just doesn’t understand. (No, we are not watching Cars 3 at 3 am.)

But, for every single thing that makes the twos stereotypically terrible, there is something that is so special and so terrific.

In my heart, the terrific things way outweigh the terrible things and make this age so full of joy.  So here’s my list of TERRIFIC two things that we are discovering. 

  • Kiddo is learning how to do things! It is so fun as a parent to watch my baby develop new skills and to see the smile and look of pride on his face when he accomplishes something new. 
  • Kiddo sleeps through the night most nights! That means I get to sleep through the night most nights!
  • Kiddo has so many words and is working on telling me rich, beautiful stories about his life. Through his stories, I am learning what he likes (the color yellow, when Bumpa comes over and plays with him, painting at daycare, etc.) and getting to see the world through his eyes.
  • Kiddo is developing into a kind, generous, helpful little boy. He loves to help us; if someone says, “Ow!” he runs over and asks, “You ok?” and offers a hug or to share his snacks and treats.

Mamas, I am not saying this age isn’t challenging.

I’ll be so willing to pour you a glass of merlot and listen to your struggles. But this age is also charming and magical. Your toddler is right on the cusp of being a kid and this is that fleeting train station between babyhood and childhood. You’re starting to see glimpses of the big person they will be, but you still have time to soak up the innocence and sweetness of your baby. My kiddo is telling me stories but he still pronounces stuck wrong and says “ducks” instead. It’s silly and endearing. 

My kiddo wants to be a big boy and do things for himself, but he still wants to climb into my lap to read a book. We still do hugs, kisses, and nosies (nose kisses) before bed. Someday, that won’t be the case. Someday, he won’t be crying in the middle of the night and we won’t have 2 am snuggles in his rocking chair.

So, twos, bring on your tantrums and meltdowns and challenges. I can take them because I’m still enjoying when kiddo says “Up” and he’s still little enough that I can swing him into my arms.