12 Best Excuses from a 4-Year-Old


As moms, we all know how elaborate kids can get with their excuses. I am no exception. My daughter, Rose, recently turned 4, and her excuses are getting better and better. Rather than laughing about them and then forgetting, I’ve decided to keep track of some of the best ones. Here are my favorite excuses in a variety of categories.

Eating Dinner

Dinner time is hard for a 4-year-old. It involves sitting still and focusing, both of which are next to impossible when you’re 4. Most of our mealtimes sound a little something like this.

“Are you going to eat your dinner? How about that mac and cheese? Hey, can I eat some of your fruit? Eat your dinner, please.”

Each time I mention it, Rose has a fantastic answer as to why she can’t eat her dinner. Here are my top three.

  1. “I can’t eat dinner because I need to look at Daddy because he is SO handsome!” (This might be my favorite excuse ever.)
  2. “I’m a princess and princesses don’t eat corn.”
  3. “I can’t eat because I don’t have any hands!”
preschooler excuses
Rose showing off her freshly-painted fingernails

Brushing Teeth

Brushing makes your teeth clean, which makes them healthy and removes all the gunk from the day. So it’s a good idea to do it at least twice daily, right?

Well, sure, ideally, but when you’re 4 you have so many important things to do other than actually brush your teeth. Here are the best excuses I’ve heard as to why Rose isn’t, won’t, or can’t brush her teeth…

  1. “I have to check on Daddy and make sure he is okay!” (Note: he’s fine. He’s doing dishes and relishing the quiet.)
  2. “I’m a baby and babies don’t have teeth.”
  3. “LOOK HOW FAST I CAN RUN!!!!!” (With a toothbrush in her mouth, of course, because that is super safe!)

Getting in the Car

Car journeys can be hit or miss for a 4-year-old. Sometimes, you end up at the park, but other times you might be dragged around Costco or Kroger.

Rose usually gets in the car without too much fuss, but it takes about 10 hours for her to do so. Here are some of the reasons she’s given me.

  1. “I can’t find my unicorn!” (You know, the one she hasn’t played with for days.)
  2. “But my necklace will get caught in the straps!”
  3. “I want to stay home all day by myself and play and have fun!”

Putting on [Shoes, Pants, Underwear…]

I don’t know about your kid, but mine is super picky about clothes and accessories. A dress she wore two days ago is suddenly too tight, she doesn’t like her sparkly shoes anymore, she NEEDS to wear a necklace. She just got glasses so I expect this issue to extend to them as well.

Just like getting in the car, getting dressed seems to take forever. Here are a few things she has said to me about her clothes.

  1. “But I’m a ballerina! I can’t wear pants!”
  2. “My favorite tutu is dirty so I’m going to wear PJs today, okay?” (I’m not going to argue so she wore her PJs to the park.)
  3. “I don’t have ANY underwear!!!!!” (As she throws 12 pairs of underwear on the floor.)

Four is a tough age for the kid and the parents, but then there are those times where Rose tells me we will be best friends forever, and that she loves me to the moon and back. Those sweet moments cancel out the frustrations around getting her to do simple things like eat. In the meantime, I’ll keep noting my favorite excuses so I can include them in my speech at her wedding.

What are some of the best excuses you’ve heard from your kids?

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Catherine Hiles
Cat is a mama to two gorgeous kiddos: Rose (April 2015) and Liam (August 2018). She has lived in the Dayton area since 2007, when she moved from her home in the UK to be with her American husband. During the day, Cat works as the creative manager at Naked Lime Marketing in Kettering. Outside of work, she enjoys winding down by reading, writing, running, lifting weights, and cooking.


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