An Ode To “Baby Shark”


If your kids are anything like mine, they are probably borderline obsessed with the latest YouTube sensation, Baby Shark. 

Now, if your reaction to my opening line is “No way, my kids don’t get screen time,” then you probably should stop reading now. But for the rest of us, this is a judgment-free zone – and I am not ashamed to admit that family has viewed Baby Shark literally hundreds of times at this point. And the funny thing is, I’m not even mad about it. So here are a few of the reasons why I love Baby Shark.

As far as kiddie songs go, this one isn’t THAT annoying. Sure it gets stuck in my head and I find myself singing it when there aren’t any kiddos around, but I am slightly embarrassed to admit – I don’t hate it.

It can instantly entertain my toddler. It’s literally the only thing that will distract my 19 month old long enough to let me have 2 minutes of peace. She’s in this exceptionally clingy phase and generally does not want me to put her down if I’m within her eyesight (and that makes it very difficult to perform simple tasks, like say, brush my teeth and put on makeup), but if Baby Shark makes an appearance, she’s happy as a clam for the entirety of the song. That’s roughly 90 seconds of peace for mama. I really need an option to set it on loop.

Entertaining dance moves. Baby Shark is not just for babies! My 4-year-old loves the hand motions and can’t get enough of dancing to the song. It’s cute, you have to admit. And it’s a great way for my rambunctious 4-year-old to burn off some energy.

There are a ton of variations. Sick and tired of the original Baby Shark? Check out Christmas Sharks, or Halloween Shark, or even the Baby Monkey rendition. There are tons and tons of options.

Every kid loves this stuff. I was recently at a play date at the library with several other mamas and when my youngest daughter was starting to get cranky, I pulled out Baby Shark on my phone. Almost instantly, I was surrounded by all 4 of the kiddos that were playing with us and they were all totally enchanted by Baby Shark.

How do you feel about Baby Shark?



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